Your gift to IAG helps Indiana’s gifted youth reach their potential

When you donate to IAG, you empower us to transform education for Indiana’s gifted youth through our advocacy efforts and educator training. There are three specific areas where we can most use your tax-deductible gift:

· Areas of greatest need – This gift allows IAG to use your donation to support the most pressing programs and needs of Indiana’s gifted youth.

·Ginny Burney Scholar Program – This gift increases low-income or culturally or linguistically diverse students’ access to talent development opportunities through educator training.

·Scholarship Fund – This gift helps fund IAG’s merit-based scholarships which assist high school seniors to further their education and passions in college.

IAG is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization.

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Indiana Association for the Gifted
PO Box 84, Whitestown, IN 46075
Help us advocate for gifted youth!

IAG supports gifted students, parents, and educators. Join today for free and be sure to attend our annual conference on December 8-10, 2024, at the Indianapolis JW Marriott.