The Indiana Association for the Gifted educates and advocates for meeting the academic and social / emotional needs of gifted youth.

2024 Conference Registration Open!

IAG will host its annual conference on December 9-10, 2024, at the Indianapolis JW Marriott!


Indiana Association for the Gifted is proud to partner with the National Association for Gifted Children to offer IAG members a special discount on LEAP Professional Learning products.

Current News

Changes Coming to Indiana High School Diplomas

  • IAG History: 1952-1958

    1952 - A few school districts in Indiana provide local classes for gifted students. There is no involvement of the Indiana Department of Education and no involvement in education at the federal level.

    1957 - Russia launches the satellite Sputnik.

    1958- National Defense Education Act demonstrates an increased federal interest in identifying talented students and strengthening instruction in math, science, and modern foreign languages.

  • IAG History: 1965-1975

    1965 - The Civil Rights Act passes. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 officially moves the federal government into involvement with regulating public education.

    1972 - The USDOE publishes The Marland Report which provides a definition of giftedness.

    1974 - An Office of Gifted and Talented is established within the USDOE.

    1975 - Public Law 94-142 (Education for All Handicapped Children Act) requires educational services for all children with special education needs but does not include children with gifts and talents.

  • IAG History: 1978

    1978 - Indiana Department of Education uses federal funding to hire a part time state consultant for gifted and talented education. This consultant drafted legislative language and advocated for designated funding. Parents and teachers organized the Indiana Chapter of The Association for the Gifted (TAG) as a division within The Council for Exceptional Children, changed in 1981 to be affiliated with the National Association for Gifted Children.

  • IAG History: 1979-1981

    1979 - The grass-roots advocacy organization, later to be named the Indiana Association for the Gifted (IAG), is involved in advocating for the first gifted education legislation for Indiana, including a definition and funding for local program development and training of professional staff. While legislation was not introduced, some state funding for local programs and training was appropriated.

    1981 - Federal categorical funding is merged into a block grant of funds, allowing but not requiring any of the block funds to be used for gifted and talented. Indiana passes its first G/T legislation by adding a new section to Indiana Code directing the IDOE to establish a program for gifted children.

  • IAG History: 1984-85

    1984 - Indiana Governor Robert Orr requests $4.6 million for gifted education with subsequent increases to $11 million. Although specific later increases are not approved, support for subsequent advances is established. Results include establishment of The Indiana Academy and the Advanced Placement course requirements

    1985 - The IDOE organizes leadership accessing symposia with national leaders in gifted education, administrators’ training workshops, problem solving programs for students, model demonstration sites, a state advisory board, and a trained cadre of regional experts to provide technical assistance to schools.

  • IAG History: 1986-1988

    1986 - Ball State, Butler, Indiana State, Indiana University/ Purdue University at Fort Wayne, Indiana University at Indianapolis and at Bloomington, and Purdue University at Indianapolis and at West Lafayette all offered a Standard 12-hour G/T Endorsement.

    1988 - Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 1988 provides funding for specific research, demonstration projects, and personnel training related to students traditionally underrepresented in gifted and talented programs, particularly economically disadvantaged, limited English proficient, and disabled students. Some Indiana institutions receive grants for this research.

  • IAG History: 1991-1993

    1991 - The Indiana G/T Advisory Board supported by the State Board of Education brings together representative advocates of gifted education from all stakeholder groups to develop an Indiana State Plan. Indiana is seen as being on the cutting edge of gifted education.

    1993 - USDOE releases a report, National Excellence: A Case for Developing America's Talent, focusing on the “quiet crisis” of neglecting and underchallenging America’s top students. A revised national definition is included. Some funding becomes available, but there is no mandate to identify or serve.

  • IAG History: 1995-1998

    1995 - Indiana Association for the Gifted organizes a Commission on the Future of Gifted/Talented Education in Indiana

    1996 - The Indiana General Assembly passes a Concurrent Resolution commending the Indiana Association for the Gifted for hard work and dedication to the gifted and talented children of Indiana. IAG hosts the National Association for Gifted Children’s Conference in Indianapolis.

    1998 - The IAG-led Indiana Commission on the Future of Gifted and Talented Education formulates language passed by the General Assembly establishing a state resources program for high ability students, a definition of a high ability student, and support for local districts to develop programs. (Although the final version stops short of mandating local program development, the language and the support are established.)

  • IAG History: 2000-2007

    2000 - IAG publishes a white paper: Taking the Lid Off: Providing Educational Opportunities for High Ability Students in Indiana for presentation to an Interim Study Committee of the Indiana General Assembly.

    2003 - IAG hosts the 50th Anniversary Conference of the NAGC

    2007 - IAG produces a white paper for The Indiana General Assembly: Cultivating Indiana’s Home-Grown Academic Talent: The Case for High Ability Education. Through continued efforts of the IAG, the Indiana General Assembly unanimously passes a mandate that all districts establish a program for high ability students.

  • IAG History: 2013-Current

    2013- IAG hosts the 60th Anniversary Conference of the NAGC; 1000 Indiana educators attend in Indianapolis.

    2019 - IAG celebrates 40 years of advocacy efforts on behalf of Indiana’s High Ability Students. Attendance at the annual conference is consistent at 900.

Indiana Association for the Gifted
PO Box 84, Whitestown, IN 46075
Help us advocate for gifted youth!

IAG supports gifted students, parents, and educators. Join today for free and be sure to attend our annual conference on December 9-10, 2024, at the Indianapolis JW Marriott.